
What is Asthma??

Asthma is a condition that affects your lungs. Labeled as the most common long-term diseases of children. Adults can also have asthma as well.

Things that can cause asthma- Genetics’, environmental and occupational factors can cause asthma. No one is positive on everything that can cause asthma, but we do know that the three listed above are linked.

Asthma can cause the person to wheeze, shortness of breath, tight feeling in the chest, and coughing throughout the day. If you are diagnosed with asthma, then you always have it. Asthma may not always bother the person who has it. Usually asthma acts up and causes an asthma attack when the person’s lungs are irritated.


Not all asthma is allergic asthma. What is the difference between Allergies and Asthma? Allergies are an immune system response, or over sensitivity, to an environmental trigger. Asthma involves inflammation of the lungs and makes it hard for an individual to breath. However, allergies can trigger and asthma attack. Asthma can not trigger and allergy (rash, redness, watery eyes etc..).

Being exposed to environmental things such as mold, dust, pollen, air pollution and viral respiratory infections can also lead to asthma attacks. Occupational asthma occurs when an individual who has never had asthma ends up developing it from being exposed to things at work. If while you are working around irritants such as chemicals, wood dust, mold etc.… you can develop asthma.


In children 5 years of age and younger, it can be harder to tell if they have asthma. A dr. during a check up can check how well your lungs work. If you are having signs and symptoms of asthma and not allergies, notify your doctor. The only way to know for sure if its allergies or asthma is to have your dr. examine you or your child.


An attack can include coughing, tightness in the chest, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The attacks are from the airways being restricted. As you are trying to breath your airways get smaller. Asthma attacks can happen when someone is exposed to “asthma triggers”. Everyone’s triggers are different, not everyone is the same.

Control your asthma- Knowing the signs of an asthma attack and what sets an attack can help you prevent them.

When you know the signs then you will not have symptoms like wheezing or coughing. You will get better sleep and won’t miss out of family things, school or even work. You can take part in physical activities, and you can prevent hospital visits.


When someone has asthma, the dr. will prescribe the patient with medications or inhalants to take. Depending on how severe your asthma is you might have to take your medications daily or only when an attack occurs.

Talk to your dr. about and asthma action plan. Keeping a daily chart will help your dr. know what is best for you when you go

in for your next dr. visit. Medical alert bracelets will let someone know what is going on in case of an emergency. Always carry your inhaler on you. Make sure to wash your hands before and after everything. Clean and disinfect things around your house (to minimize triggers). Cold weather can affect your breathing. Higher altitude can also make it hard for you to breath.  Always know the difference between allergies and asthma.

Always Remember Your Asthma is controllable!

If you know someone with asthma (a friend, family member or your own child/ren) I highly recommend learning CPR. Knowing how to help someone while they are having an asthma attack can save their life. Every day there are about 10 Americans who die from an asthma attack. You could be the person who can help one of the 10!!